Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Chassis Tear Down

 Radio #9 ready for tear down

Tubes, vibrator and filter cap already removed
 First up is to remove the power lead

 Solder-Wick it and then pull it out

 Then a couple of caps soldered to a lug on the chassis

 Tuning mechanism to chassis ground strap

 Solder-Wick and disconnect strap

 Cut the tone control leads

 Unclip the dial lights

 Remove the control mounting nuts

 Solder-Wick and remove antenna coil connection

 Cut third tone control lead

 Remove tuning mechanism mounting screw

 Remove tuning mechanism

 Remove tone control

 Remove tuning mechanism rear plate mounting nuts

Remove rear plate
Solder-Wick and remove the tuning slugs
Label tuning slug locations (A, B, & C)
 Removing dial pointer

 Removing mechanism bumpers

 Removing push buttons

 Removing bumpers

 Tuning mechanism ready for ultrasonic cleaning

 Removing chassis from case

 Removing antenna input connector

 Grinding down rivet that holds the antenna input pad

 Automatic punch works great to p[op out the ritets

 Case ready for paint strip, media blast and painting

 Remove the dial

 Tuning mechanism ultrasonically cleaned

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