Sunday, May 28, 2017

Dial Light LED Solution

Most of the lamp holder's insulating components are trash and these lamps are a bit hard to get to so I decided to come up with a LED solution. All the tuning chassis have been taken apart to clean so one of the rivets were removed. This gave a good mounting screw location to mount the LED boards. Just need to drill and tap for a #8-32 screw. On radios that do not have this rivet removed a clip could be made to hold the LED boards, maybe even using the clips from the lamp holders.


Just did a test fit and the above design did not fit so I went back to the drawing board for a modified layout:

One more try:

Thought I was done but one more try is needed:

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Recap and Reresistor

Most folks just replace the cow pastures but I decided to replace everything...

 Old components

 Chassis striped

New components

Case Strip & Paint

Cases striped, media blasted, and conversion coated ready for paint

Jig for painting cases

Case painted with silver hammer tone

Packing away cases & covers for protection waiting for assembly

 Antenna receptical

 Painting recepticals